Lori Nix
Metaphor/Constructed Landscapes
by Ashley Doelger
Lori Nix and Kathleen Gerber have collaborated on dioramas and miniatures for over fourteen years; their work has primarily been thebasis for Nix’s fine art photography. Her images of faux landscapes and gritty urban interiors have gained wide acclaim in both the U.S. and Europe.
Lori grew up in rural Kansas in the 1970's. She was inspired by the weather she experienced there: tornados, floods, blizzards and drought. Another influence was dystopian cinema, a popular genre when she was growing up. Her work depicts ‘after’ scenes--when mankind is gone and what remains are vacant fragments of buildings, a few slowly being reclaimed by nature. The photographs are complex dioramas sculpted out of foam board, paint, plaster and wood. Her work to date can be described as disaster mixed with subtle humor.
The City
Accidentally Kansas
Unnatural History
more analysis and how it relates to your work.