Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Commerce / Economics : Will Steacy

Will Steacy is a photographer and writer named one of  The Center of Documentary Studies "25 under 25" in photography. His work covers everything from economic distress to contemporary political issues. What sets his work apart is the lack of sense of exploitation seen often seen in the documentaion of work about social inequity and poverty.  He accomplishes this by avoiding photographing people and instead, focuses on textures, objects, and atmospheres to bring attention to different issues. 

Will Steacy

While viewing Steacy's work, it becomes obvious very quickly, and with little explanation, what he is discussing. His body of work The Human Stain depicts the mold problem and destruction of property, following Hurricane Katrina. Most of us remember the immediate devastation caused by Katrina, but may not realize problems and neglect continues to be an ongoing problem thirteen years later. 

From "The Human Stain"

I admire Steacy's attention to detail and carefulness in developing context. In his series These Mean Streets, he travels to troubled urban areas, photographing scenes which inform the viewer about the "atmosphere," more than the exact location. The images are visually rich in details of the space itself, rather than giving the standard clues which focus on what makes it a "troubled areal" He reveals beauty in the broken down, raising awareness in a respectful way. 
From "These Mean Streets"

1 comment:

  1. * you could give more background why these other topics, building the case for why his concerns....also what do you learn for your own work? in terms of lighting and atmosphere.
