J Robison
Robert Polidori is a architecture-centered photographer, focusing on the human experience through visualizations of decay and poverty. He creates vibrant, sharply-detailed images that express energy and vitality without making viewers cringe in anticipation of cliche and judgment.
House near the Canal Street levee breach, New Orleans, Louisiana (December 2005)
Polidori's work ranges through a variety of settings, from old Havana to the Palace of Versailles, from post-Katrina New Orleans to the aftermath of Chernobyl. While some have criticized his pieces as being exploitative of the situations he photographs, nothing could be further from the truth. Polidori demonstrates a deep understanding of time and place, and is cognizant of his responsibilities as an artist to explore the moment without cheapening it.
The juxtaposition of poverty and wealth, old and new, are apparent and yet not in-your-face. There is an inherent beauty in these images. Whilst the visualization of decay or destruction is obvious, the detail and sensitivity of space is present in equal measure. Nothing is staged or altered. The scenes are of real life, in real time.
Robert Polidori is an artist worthy of emulation. This author hopes to create images of similar intricacy and depth with his own photographic practice. However, few have such an eye as Polidori has, so this is no mean feat to live up to.