Saturday, March 18, 2017

Field Trip - Milwaukee Art Museum - Study Center Print Viewing

Justin Kimball
The Milwaukee Art Museum
by David Kieckhefer

During our visit to the Milwaukee Art Museum, I found myself drawn mostly to the image, Spring Street, by photographer Justin Kimball. His series, Pieces of String, tells a narrative of the people who lived in these spaces without having a single image of a person. Kimball's work has encouraged me to take a step back from 'traditional' portraiture and to rely less on the figure when telling a narrative.

Kimball’s Pieces of String is a collection of photographs taken over several years throughout New York State and New England, in abandoned homes and buildings being cleared for sale. His brother, Douglas Kimball, is an auctioneer, whose job it was to empty these spaces and liquidate their contents. The homes examined are in many cases run-down, disintegrating spaces filled with the kind of possessions one might imagine of a miserly shut-in who has not left his house in several decades.
Lauren Greenwald, Fraction Magazine

“I use the camera's descriptive power and the photographic illusion of truth to create the narrative and inspire feelings about its subject. The resulting photographs are my perception of what happened in those spaces: who lived there? What was hidden and what was seen?”

Spring Street

Florence Road

Florence Road, Mantel

Adler Avenue, Bed

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