By Morgan Ondrejka
Anthony Hernandez is a landscape photographer in Los
Angeles, California. His images really push the boundary of what you think of
when you hear the words “landscape photographs”. He abstracts many of his
landscapes, weather those be grass and dirt, poles and trees, city streets, or empty
spaces. He truly works outside the assumed box of landscape.

He also works in street photography, my personal preference
of his work. These images capture the grit and reality of the not-so-fabulous
areas of LA. An article written by Carolina A. Miranda of the Los Angeles Times
puts Hernandez’s work perfectly by starting the article with:
“They are images in which Los
Angeles can see itself, the side that doesn’t make it onto the picture
postcards: Broken-down trucks in wide empty lots, the improvised architecture
of freeway-side homeless encampments and municipal spaces that seem
to offer their residents little more than disdain.”
Những Sàn gỗ nhập khẩu được biết đến với khả năng chịu nước cao thường được cấu tạo từ cốt gỗ HDF siêu cứng, được đánh giá là cốt gỗ có khả năng chịu nước tốt nhất hiện nay.