Sunday, March 12, 2017

Landscape- James Balog

James Balog

By: Kylee Diedrich

James Balog is a photographer and geographer breaking new ground in documentation of human modification of the planet.  He has become a premier advocate for the earth and the environment. Balog founded the Extreme Ice Survey to photograph the receding glaciers in order to aid his presentations world wide about climate change.  His work with the EIS evolved into a documentary about the receding glaciers called Chasing Ice which won an Emmy Award in 2014.  Balog also founded Earth Vision Institute, a non-profit aiming to educate and inspire society to explore and understand the environment.  

Balog's photography has been shown in National Geographic numerous times and is considered inspiring and exhilarating, as well as confirming his passion as an artist, scientist, explorer and adventurer.  His role as an ambassador for Nikon,  National Geographic, his family and the companies he has founded together contribute to support his projects.  He goes to extensive lengths to share his knowledge in the hope of a better future.  

I find Balog's work revolutionary and groundbreaking in the field of photography. He gives all photographer-adventurers hope that they too can begin a conversation about topics like climate change.  He proves that with both commitment and ambition any project can be realized, but with  research it could become a most important contribution to the science of climage change.  

 Chasing Ice- James Balog

Linblad Cove, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, 2011 from ICE

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