Event Review
Raven Mrozek
Kevin Miyazaki's artist lecture was not only interesting and thought provoking as far as subject matter and concept, but it also was very beneficial in regards to his discussion on commercial photography. He spoke on where his photography began and how it grew commercially. He began as a simple newspaper photographer creating documentary photographs that were mass spread. From here he landed jobs with the Cincinnati Magazine as well as the Milwaukee Magazine. The calm aesthetic in his images aid him in his freelance commercial photography, having taken many portrait and many portraits of artists.

Kevin Miyazaki's discussion on commerce showed me that it is possible to go anywhere with your photography, and sometimes the best place to start is small at a local paper. From there you can create your own archive of public images tracing back to you allowing your photography to grow in the commerce element of art; it can even take you to other countries. Kevin Miyazaki's statement on how when photographing in other countries, a smile is the most universal language stood out to me. My mom always told me this same thing when growing up and I feel it is important understand this especially when photographing where people may not speak the same verbal language as you.

Aside from commerce, there is art. I resonated most with Kevin Miyazaki's photography discussing his family history. He utilizes family images his works as well as uses his family history to drive his concepts. Intertwining re purposed images and stories from his family's past is something I am currently working on in my photo project on family memory.

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